Bravo! I am “like” you, as are millions of other Americans. I’d venture to guess roughly 50% of us have been wondering that same question, “How did we get here?”

It’s been over a year since you wrote that blog and looking back since that summer of insanity of 2020, I can venture some hopefully salient and sometimes disturbingly truthful facts in answer to that question.

What were the flashpoints that started this frenzied trend? Was it for the June 2015 mass murders of nine black men and women in a racially-motivated attack on a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina?

Or was it the Unite the Right rally which, according to Wikipedia, was a white supremacist rally that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia from August 11 to 12, 2017. Jason Kessler, the organizer of the rally, had been protesting for months against the proposed removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Emancipation Park in Charlottesville when James Alex Fields, Jr. deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people peacefully protesting the Unite the Right rally, killing 1 and injuring 35.

Perhaps it was the death of George Floyd on May 25th 2020? The one who has practically been raised to the level of sainthood by the media. This is the same George Floyd, who between 1997 and 2005, served eight jail terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass. Then as late as March of 2020 he was hospitalized after overdosing on drugs.…oops no, we in the media don’t want to mention that. Ahh yes…the media…hmmm….my #1 choice in the top 3 reasons in answer to the questions, “What were the flashpoints? and “How did we get there?”

All 3 of these incidents are justifiably awful and tragic. Do they deserve to be magnified to such a degree that it leads the National news headlines for days and is rehashed and focused on at any and every opportunity going forward in regard to racial division and the depravity of most any Americans who were born with white skin to feel they are inherently racist? I say ABSOLUTELY NOT! I consider the mass media to be domestic enemy #1. They play the race card constantly and foment division at every opportunity. TPTB i.e. the powers that be, the ones who own and control the talking heads and spin the narrative to further their agenda are the same ones trying to destroy our Constitution and bring this Country down, only to rebuild it in their own image. (See Phoenix Rising.) Out of the ashes a New World Order!

The 3 examples above totaled 9 deaths. There were 772 shooting deaths in Chicago alone in 2020 and 797 shooting deaths in 2021. A 25 year high! And this with a city that has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Do we hear about this in the national news? Blacks killing blacks? Hmmm….I don’t know, maybe a quick 10 second blurb about it and then move on to the more important story like this one on May 26th 2020: DOJ Investigating Killing of Ahmaud Arbery as Hate Crime – Oh, sorry, looks like more Media spin for racial division.

Where does it end???

My #2 choice in the top 3 reasons in answer to the question, “How did we get there?” and my #2 most wanted domestic enemy is George Soros and his purchase, funding and installation of City, County and State prosecutors nationwide. Do your own research.

#3 as you rightly point out in regard to the people pulling down statues that summer “they are students of our corrupt public-school system which indoctrinates rather than educates…the calamity of our public school system and how it has been at the very core of undermining our American culture and history.” Both public and private Universities, colleges on down to even high schools and grade schools and their Unions have been saturated by leftist, Socialist, Marxist and “woke” ideologies that have undermined the very core and fabric of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our society, and even into our churches and are now at the point that if you disagree or speak up, or out, about these issues, you are shouted down, cancelled and at risk of losing your entire career and/or livelihood. So just shut up and go along to get along! Much more can be said about this subject and what this “doxing” is all about, but I’ll save that for another day.

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The America of today is not recognizable to me. For all the things that you stated I completely agree. Once we started turning our responsibility of teaching our children Christian values over to the public schools I believe we did a great disservice our children. When did it become ok to rewrite history? The very definition tells us that history is " a branch of knowledge dealing with past events." I don't like all the things that happened in the past but I don't go an try to change those happenings. I learn from them and try not to repeat the negatives of the past. I look forward to your future posts! You truly are the right Sister!

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Well said Rita. Sounds like you were raised much like myself and my three siblings. Love of God and country!

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