Let’s begin by acknowledging that humans are born with a void inside. Only God can fill this emptiness through our acceptance of salvation through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Those who haven’t found Jesus yet, still ache for the filling of that void in their lives. That’s why so many today have turned to leftism as their religion.
A Belief in Supernatural Beings
According to a site called Thought Company, one of the defining characteristics of religion is the belief in supernatural beings. Examining leftism as a religion, it’s easy to see how they elevate their political heroes to the status of “gods.” In 2017, the Huffington Post published an article by Max Blumenthal entitled “Obama, the Fallen Messiah.” In it, Blumenthal makes the case that in 2007 “When the Democratic primary began, some progressives seemed to embrace a secular version of the Christian right’s salvation fantasy. They ached for a secular messiah to descend from the political heavens, reverse Bush’s disastrous legacy and save the country from itself. Democrats were looking for a Messiah to bring political salvation to them in the form of reversing Bush’s so-called conservative policies.”
Many on the left believed they had found their “savior” in Barack Obama. In fact, at a South Carolina rally, Oprah referred to Obama as “The One.” And, Louis Farrakhan actually told his followers that Obama was the Messiah. Obama, himself, contributed to this mythology by decorating his stage with Roman columns at a Colorado rally and using reverb to sound god-like. Additionally, no one will ever forget Obama including his followers in this messianic cult by claiming, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” I didn’t realize this until recently, but that phrase was not an Obama original. It is a direct quote from a Hopi Indian end times prophecy and has become a New Ager favorite.
Ezra Klein, New York Times columnist, topped off this sacrilegious comparison by proclaiming candidate Obama was “not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of the word over flesh...Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our higher selves.” I don’t know about you, but to me this is reminiscent of Satan’s rebellion. Isaiah reminds us, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning...for you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’” Any comparison of Obama to Jesus is pure sacrilege; there is no other word for it.
Incidentally, Obama may not be President any more--although some say he is pulling the strings in the Biden administration--but the left is looking for another Obama to idolize and glorify, so don’t discount Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in the future. She was too young to run for President in 2020, but watch for her in 2024. She’s telegenic, energetic, has a great smile, and has delusions of grandeur. Here’s an example of her confidence run amok.
For a newbie on Capitol Hill she’s making a lot of waves. Her ideas are, to use her word “wacked,” but the media loves her and promotes her every utterance, just like they did Obama. And, just like Obama, she doesn’t know anything, but the left loves good looks, a crisp suit, a great smile, and someone who makes them feel good.
The Left’s Sacred Text
Another defining characteristic of religion is the belief in a sacred text. One book, whose existence was unknown to most Americans until the Obama Presidency, was one of Barack’s favorites. In fact, he even taught a college course on community organizing using this book as the class text. It is entitled Rules for Radicals and was written by Saul Alinsky. It is also a Hillary Clinton favorite. In fact, in 1969 she wrote her Wellesley thesis about Saul Alinsky as a community organizer. Her thesis was titled “There is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” Stunningly, when the Clintons entered the White House in 1993, they asked Wellesley not to release the thesis to anyone, which of course yielded a myriad of conspiratorial conclusions.
For those unfamiliar with Alinsky’s work, Rules for Radicals is a book that provides a blueprint for community organizers. The premise of the book is to bring together a variety of disenfranchised groups against a common issue or concern. Alinsky preached that to effectively do this, one would necessarily have to “stir up conflict with an agency” or politician to unite these groups. In other words, he recognized the need for these disparate groups to coalesce against an antagonist, villain or common enemy. This method was a way to show these various groups they had a common cause to fight against and defined a clear goal: to destroy the enemy.
Alinsky created thirteen rules. I won’t list all of them, but I will give you a few so you get the flavor of his book. Rule #1: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. #4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. #5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. #9: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. #11: If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through and become a positive. #13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Let’s watch Alinsky’s 5th rule (regarding using ridicule to defeat an opponent) play out in this Bill Maher monologue where he derides those living in red states. If you don’t want to hear two mildly offensive words, stop at 2:35.
Does that video get you as hot under the collar as it does me? If it does, that’s the point. Remember, the most important aspect of Rules for Radicals is to create conflict with a villain that will unite all liberals in a common goal to destroy their opponent. In this case, the opponent is you and me, and the left has every intention of destroying conservatives. They would love it if the Democrat party was the only party in America and their ideals were the only ones promoted. And, we are well on our way to this leftist goal now that Democrats have fine-tuned how to cheat in elections and how to find more votes via a Democrat-sponsored illegal alien invasion.
Thirteen is the Number of Rebellion
It’s curious that Alinsky outlines thirteen rules in his iconic book. It could have no meaning at all, or it could symbolize something much deeper. According to the website biblestudy.org, thirteen represents “rebellion and lawlessness.” For example, in Revelation, the dragon which symbolizes Satan, is found thirteen times. There are numerous other examples of the number thirteen found in the Bible and it always signifies rebellion. Alinsky’s whole book teaches people how to rebel against their society, so it stands to reason the number thirteen was chosen carefully by its author.
Think I’m way off in noticing the number thirteen and its relation to rebellion? Consider this. On Alinsky’s dedication page, the following is written:
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--Lucifer.”
That’s right, folks. The author, whose book has been used by community organizers like Obama, and written about by a former Secretary of State, dedicated his book to Lucifer. Still think I’m way off in describing leftism as a religion?
Praise Songs for “The One”
The use of songs and hymns to glorify deities is another aspect of most religions. I know it’s been a while, but do you remember when some teachers expressed their enthusiasm for President Obama by indoctrinating students with songs glorifying him? Here’s one example.
Well, other than the creepiness of indoctrinating children like the schools in Germany did during the Nazi regime, it’s hard to believe so many people can idolize a politician as a god-like figure.
Try to imagine school children being indoctrinated into singing hymns of praise to President Trump. Can’t imagine it? That’s because conservative teachers don’t try to propagandize their students, and it’s also because the left would tear any teacher apart limb-by-limb who attempted such a thing.
But, it wasn’t just school children who sang of Obama’s wonderful qualities and their aspirations for him. Professional singers got in on the act, too. Here is Will.i.am featuring well-known celebrities singing “We are the Ones.”
I’ll admit, it’s a catchy tune and well produced, but folks, I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this in our history. Can you handle one more? Here’s Michael Franti and Spearhead worshipping Obama through song.
A jaunty little ditty, but can’t you just envision liberal heads exploding simultaneously if conservatives performed songs glorifying President Trump?
Sacred Objects and Places
Most religions also feature ritual acts focused on sacred objects, places, and times. One such sacred place for the left is the forest with all its old growth timber. In this next video clip, you’ll see a leftist from Earth First bemoan the so-called death of trees.
I’m sorry folks; I can’t help it. Every time I hear this, I laugh out loud. This, however, is typical of leftism. It worships and glorifies trees, forests, rivers, the ocean, and animals thinking of them as sacred.
Likewise, here’s another one of these bizarre stories about people trying to anthropomorphize—the act of thinking of a non-human entity in human ways—animals and objects. That’s something 61% of the citizens of Toledo, Ohio did. They voted affirmatively to give rights to Lake Erie. Yes, you heard that right. A lake, an inanimate object, has legal rights. Backers of the bill describe the law as “the first of its kind in the US” and said it “guarantees the right of Lake Erie to exist, flourish, and naturally evolve.” Uhhhh…doesn’t the lake already evolve, and I’m guessing it’s flourishing because it still exists.
This type of movement actually is part of the Rights of Nature movement. In 2008, Ecuador acknowledged the rights of Mother Nature. Really? And, in 2014, New Zealand granted legal personhood to the Te Urewera forest. Crazy but true. Fortunately, in Toledo, a local farmer filed a lawsuit challenging the law. He and other farmers believed this law would be used to restrict water to family farms and ranches. In March of 2020, a federal court took up the case, and stated the farmers didn’t have legal standing because they hadn’t yet been injured. However, the court did strike down the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) because it violated due process, not because it was absolutely absurd to give a lake rights. Chalk one up for our side.
The Bible has a lot to say about nature and the environment. Genesis explains, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” God’s original intent was for humans to live in the Garden of Eden, working the land and keeping it in its beautiful state. Unfortunately, because of the sin Adam and Eve committed, they were thrown out of Eden; however, humans must treat nature as the gift God has given us. He expects us to use resources in nature, but he also expects us to replant forests and preserve waterways so that nature will continue to sustain humanity.
I know one thing for sure. God does not want us to worship nature like the poor woman in the video appeared to do as she cried for logged timber. Or the citizens of Toledo who conferred legal rights to Lake Erie. Romans reminds us:
“They [humans] exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator…”
Amen, but remember, everyone is born with a void that only God can fill. If people do not seek God, they will fill that void with idolatry like this.
Consensus as a Main Tenet
Agreed upon tenets is another facet of religion, and in the religion of leftism that’s called consensus. That’s what lefties use to explain so-called global warming. Democrats claim there is a consensus of 97% of scientists who believe the earth is warming, and it’s happening because of human activity.
I know how this works, folks. I was a public school teacher for 34 years. I sat through endless, pointless meetings lasting hours where everyone needed to come to a consensus. Those who disagreed with said topic were immediately shut down. You learn very quickly to remain silent and just go along with the crowd so you can get out of the meeting in a timely manner.
Former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, once said, “Consensus is the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead.” She ends with this question, “What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner: ‘I stand for consensus?’” In addition, she also said, “I am not a consensus politician. I am a conviction politician.” Mic Drop. Thank you, Mrs. Thatcher. It’s a shame we don’t have more leaders like this in Congress today.
The Left’s Form of Tithing: Taxes
No analysis of religion is complete without discussing tithing. Nearly every religion encourages its followers to donate money to their church and to other faith based organizations. Here are some interesting facts about giving. Data collected in 2006 about donations showed that 17 states were exceedingly generous with their donations. All 17 of those states voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, while the seven states at the bottom regarding donations voted for Barack Obama. In fact, the area known as the Bible Belt which includes Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia gave away a higher percentage of their income, while the Northeast and West Coast gave much less.
So, what conclusions can be drawn by this? It seems obvious that conservatives are more generous and compassionate. Democrats don’t give generously because they believe in higher taxes and consider that their form of “giving.” The big difference here is that conservatives give willingly from their heart to things that matter to them, while leftists want the government to force everyone to give more and more of their hard earned money, oftentimes to things they do not agree with.
Therefore, donations are part of the religion of the left but they come, not from everyone doing so willingly. Instead, these “donations” are taken from the American public to be used on liberal pet projects like PBS, women’s reproductive rights (aka abortion rights), and the National Endowment for the Arts which gave us such art as “Piss Christ” and Robert Mapplethorpe's perverse, homoerotic art work. Moreover, the left seems hell bent on taking more and more. Ocasio Cortez has even put forth an argument for taking 70% of top earners’ money in the form of taxes.
Perverse Sacraments
Let’s now turn to the holy sacraments of leftism. As far as I can tell, there are six: abortion at any stage and now even after birth, LGBTQ rights, climate change, gun control, health care for all, and “Black Lives Matter.” If you have an opinion that differs from the left on these issues, you will be termed a “climate denier,” a “woman hater,” a “bigot,” an “NRA acolyte,” or a “racist.” We are hundreds of years removed from the Inquisition, but this way of dealing with those who disagree is similar to being called a heretic.
Today’s heretics are not burned at the stake or physically tortured, but they are sued like the cake baker in Oregon who chose not to bake a cake for a gay couple. Or, they are harassed by mobs at their homes like Tucker Carlson whom the mob labeled a “racist scumbag.” Or, they lose their jobs for having a conservative opinion like Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, whose position on gay rights differed from his colleagues. Or, in the case of Brett Kavanaugh, they endure a high tech lynching simply for being conservative and having been nominated for the highest court in the land.
Make no mistake, this leftist heretical fervor is no joke. But, it does remind me of the villagers in the old black and white Frankenstein movie who organized into a mob with pitchforks and torches to destroy the monster the good doctor had created. This time, however, you--the conservative--are the monster they want to destroy.
And, by the way, here’s an audio of the “villagers with pitchforks” clawing at the Supreme Court doors.
As a history teacher, this type of behavior in this century scares me. It’s as though we’ve entered a time warp and have been transported back to the 1500s. And, don’t you just love the way the left-wing media characterizes these unhinged liberals. They’re termed patriotic, peaceful protesters. Why didn’t the media characterize these zealots as insurrectionists? Hmmm?
Summing Things Up
All right, so far we’ve seen how the left adores their leaders and turns them into god-like figures like Barack Obama. We’ve discovered they have a sacred text called Rules for Radicals dedicated to Lucifer and filled with thirteen rules or commandments to follow. Additionally, we’ve identified how leftists also employ songs to glorify their leaders and have sacred objects they worship and glorify like trees, animals, and bodies of water. Likewise, we’ve seen information showing how liberals support higher taxes as a form of tithing. And finally, we’ve unveiled the Holy Sacraments of the left, and exposed how the left deals with heretics. Let’s face it, leftism is a religion and most adherents are zealots in 2021 America. This zealotry is why the left appears deranged to us. Any disagreement is heresy and must not stand.
All I can say is, we need God now more than ever. It’s up to you to fight this leftist religion, my conservative friends. How do you do that? Well, you may not feel comfortable speaking up in the workplace, especially if you’re surrounded by liberals like I was. But, you can become a citizen journalist and blog about issues that bother you. Expose the left for what it is and what it’s doing to our country and culture. A great site to do this and the one I blog on is Substack. You could also start a podcast. A really great site for this is Spreaker. It’s scary folks, but remember “Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world.” If you are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit in you. He will strengthen you and give you courage. Go out there and shine a light on this present darkness.
You did a good job of researching for this article and of writing it.