How’s your memory? Let’s check. Remember the Hunter Biden laptop story? Remember the New York Post reporting on the emails found on the laptop which implicated Hunter and others in the Biden family of crooked financial deals with China? Remember the Tony Bobulinski (Hunter’s ex-business associate) news conference where he confirmed the fact that the whole Biden clan (including Joe) was involved in the corruption?
How’d you do? If you actually know and understand the facts surrounding the Hunter Biden Burisma corruption and the Biden family China connections, it’s because you use alternative sources for your news rather than the mainstream media like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the AP, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.
On the other hand, if you don’t know much about how the Bidens have enriched themselves through Joe Biden's vice-presidential office, it’s either because you’ve always tuned in to the legacy media for your news, or you’re more interested in watching Dancing with the Stars and Tiger King than in keeping informed.
Fake News & Suppression of the Truth
Our country is more divided now than it’s been since the Civil War, and one entity bears more responsibility for our division than any other: the news media. Through their commitment to ignore stories critical of anyone on the left while vociferously maligning President Trump and every conservative as conspiracy theorists, nut jobs, Nazis, Brownshirts, fascists, racists, deplorables, and chumps, half the country was deprived of important information prior to the election about Joe Biden’s lack of integrity and downright unlawful behavior.
Think this doesn’t matter? Think again. According to the Media Research Center (MRC), a whopping 17% of Democrats say that if they’d known about the Hunter Biden laptop story and Joe’s involvement with his son’s shady business deals, they would not have voted for Joe Biden. Let that sink in. Although I believe that President Trump won the election in an overwhelming fashion, imagine his margin of victory had those 17% of Democrats either not voted at all or voted for Trump.
Similarly, the media buried the sexual assault allegation Tara Reade made against Joe Biden prior to the November election. According to Newsbusters, 8.9% of Democrats, upon learning of the allegation after the election, said they would have changed their vote to Donald Trump or a third party candidate. Even this nearly 9% of Democrat voters would have swung the Presidential election to Trump in the six key battleground states (Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin).
The Media Wants Biden as President
Adding to this, a Rasmussen poll found that 52% of likely voters believe the mainstream media hardly mentioned the Hunter Biden laptop story involving questionable deals in China and Ukraine prior to the Presidential election because they were trying to help Joe Biden win the election. Moreover, in the same poll, 56% of the same likely voters believe Joe Biden was probably aware of his son’s ties to a corrupt business in Ukraine and to China. And, of those voters, 43% believe it is “very likely” Joe Biden was fully aware of his son’s unscrupulous business dealings.
A Fraudulent Election
Regarding the Presidential election, I believe this race is not over, and I hope President Trump prevails in his lawsuits questioning the validity of the vote totals in six states where widespread voter fraud is obvious. Hundreds, if not thousands of brave Americans have stepped forward and signed affidavits attesting to witnessing voter fraud under penalty of perjury. Additionally, videos have surfaced clearly showing Republican poll watchers being kicked out of locations where ballots were being counted. What’s more, in one location in Georgia, after Republican poll watchers were asked to leave, a video clearly shows Democrat poll workers pulling crates of pristine ballots out from under a table and tabulating them--sometimes feeding the same ballot into the machine several times. Finally, a forensic examination of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan revealed a 68% error rate. The Federal Election Commission guideline is 1 error in 250,000 ballots cast. That would be an error rate of .0008%--a far cry from 68%.
74 million Americans are convinced the election was stolen. And, what have we heard from the legacy media? Anyone questioning the election is labeled a nut, a whacko, or a traitor. Yet, it’s not just Republicans who believe the election was stolen. In a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17th and 18th, a whopping 30% (nearly one third) of Democrats believe the election was stolen from the President.
Propagandists for the Democrat Party
Based on the mainstream media’s suppression of any negative stories involving Joe Biden or his family, the hostile treatment of anyone questioning the results of the presidential election, and the four year demonization of President Trump, one can only come to one conclusion: the legacy media is not functioning as an objective entity reporting the facts, but instead they are an arm of the Democrat party spewing propaganda daily. According to Lara Logan, former CBS News chief foreign affairs reporter, 85% of the American media are Democrats acting as activists rather than reporters. She’s not alone in her assessment. Former executive editor of the New York Time, Jill Abramson, says the Gray Lady is “unmistakably anti-Trump.” And, Ted Koppel, former host of Nightline, has criticized CNN and MSNBC for their “non-stop negative coverage” of President Trump.
Why the Founders Wanted a Free Press
Is this what the founding fathers had in mind when they enshrined a “free press” in the first amendment to the Constitution? Here is the first amendment to the Constitution in its entirety.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Our focus is on the portion that maintains that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press. It’s easy to understand why our founders wanted this caveat in the first amendment. The purpose was to have a body of journalists who would report the facts, even if it meant confronting powerful politicians or entities, to keep them in check and to keep the public informed.
So, how are journalists supposed to keep the public informed? Any 6th grader could answer this. Journalists are to investigate, engage reliable sources who will go on the record rather than remain anonymous, verify their sources, double check their facts, and call and ask questions of those they report on to confirm or allow the target of their investigation to rebut what they have uncovered. Then, and only then, should a journalist report the facts in an objective way presenting both sides. This allows the reader or viewer to make up his/her own mind about the story.
Fox News Joins the Mainstream Press
Unfortunately, today many so-called journalists are Democrat activists whose reporting is sub-par, who accept anonymous leaks as the gospel, and who see themselves as warriors fighting against American conservatism and its ideals. Although we’ve already established who the mainstream media are and how they view their purpose or mission, who knew Fox News would turn on its conservative viewers as spectacularly as they’ve done in 2020?
Remember Neil Cavuto of Fox Business undermining the President’s efforts to use the drug hydroxychloroquine and encourage others to use it to prevent the ill effects of COVID-19? As it turns out, I was on hydroxychloroquine for years (under the label Plaquenil) to treat my rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms. I suffered no adverse effects from the drug, and others throughout the country who have RA or Lupus have been treated successfully with the same medicine. So ask yourself, What was the purpose of Cavuto’s rant?
Let’s also not forget that Fox hired Democrat activists like Donna Brazile and Marie Harf. Brazile is a liar and a cheat. Recall the incident when, acting as a debate anchor in 2016, she cheated by giving the questions to Hillary Clinton prior to the debate. Then she denied it saying she was a “good Christian woman.” Uh huh. Harf, for her part, appears intelligent, but it’s her off putting arrogance and constant smirking that make her unwatchable, as well as her decidedly partisan views.
Speaking of partisans, how about Chris Wallace? He moderated the first Presidential debate, or did he? To most viewers it appeared he gave softball questions to Joe Biden while hammering President Trump. In addition, he failed to ask Biden about corruption allegations regarding his son, so it was left to the President to quiz Sleepy Joe about the charges. Then, as the debate progressed, Wallace actually sided with the former Vice President. It was at this point that many viewers knew the debates would favor Lunch bucket Joe.
Then, there was the coup de gras--a French phrase meaning a death blow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim--delivered by Brett Baier and Martha McCallum on election night when they called Arizona for Joe Biden before the polls closed in the west and while only 75% of votes in the state had been tallied. The duo received so many complaints from viewers, they brought in Arnon Mishkin from their “decision desk” to explain why he called it as he had. His reasoning made no sense to me. Simultaneously, the decision desk had not called several states for Trump with 98% election results reported from those states. It was mind boggling. A word about Mishkin. He was a former Democrat pollster. Enough said.
Finally, let’s discuss that gem of a “news” anchor, Sandra Smith. I recall watching her so many times as she fed leftist politicians softballs, while blasting conservatives who went on her show. I wrote Fox (you are not allowed to write these anchors individually) and told them my impressions of Smith, asking that they inform her that she does not appear objective and perhaps she could just pretend to be so to align with their “fair and balanced” motto. Regardless, right after the election she interviewed Washington DC lawyer, Cleta Mitchell, who questioned the election results. In this clip, Smith displays not just her hubris but her lack of intellect. She seems to believe that if Fox called the election for Biden, then it is so. Take a look.
Fox News Commits Suicide
So, unfortunately, Fox is now part of the mainstream media--something aggrieved former Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has tried to affect in his new role as a board member of the Fox Corporation. According to Vanity Fair, an executive at Fox News told the magazine that “Ryan finds Trump embarrassing and now he has the power to do something about it.” Well, I hope Ryan is happy (and I’m sure he is) because rather than a final death blow to Trump, it appears Fox has committed suicidant. It appears they have gone the way of the NFL and the NBA. Their viewership is down, so much so that shortly after the election in November, both CNN and MSNBC beat Fox News in the ratings. Meanwhile, News Max’s viewership is surging and surpassing the Fox News Business Network in ratings.
The day after the election, I told my husband, “I’m done with Fox!” My hubby, not being nearly as passionate as I, was not sure he wanted to give up watching Tucker Carlson, but I’ve always voted with my feet. I don’t watch movies with actors that berate or threaten our President, and I most certainly will not stick with Fox. They’re dead to me, and my husband has come around.
So, what is one to do as a conservative with no Fox News to watch? As it turns out, there are many other alternatives. Who knew? Below you will find a list of a number of news organizations which slant right and appear reputable. Decide for yourself.
News Channels: News Max TV, Real America’s Voice, The F1RST, Right Side Broadcasting, The Blaze TV (membership required), One America News (membership required)
Online Print News: Just the News, The Epoch Times, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Wire, The Federalist, The New York Post, The Washington Times, The Spectator, The Populist Press
Final Thoughts
To sum up, journalism should be about seeking the truth regardless of the consequences. Unfortunately, today’s “journalists” are little more than leftist activists and propagandists for the Democrat party. If they had been truth seekers during President Trump’s four years in office, they would have reported on his accomplishments--which are many--as well as any problems caused by his administration’s actions. The sad repercussions for their dishonesty has been a nation more divided than it’s been since South Carolina seceded from the Union in 1860, setting in motion what later became known as the Civil War. Today some states and a fair number of individuals are beginning to once again voice their support for secession. This time, however, the cause is not to free slaves, but instead to free Americans from the tyranny of blue state governors. Only God knows how this will end. Pray for our nation and the peace that only the Lord can provide.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. I Timothy 2:1-2
Very well written. Although I would recommend adding to your recommendation of news sites that report the truth.
Rita, great job as usual. We also listen to Doug Ten Maple and Steve Turley and the Epoch Times